Cartoon for a Church Iconostasis An iconostasis is a partition covered with icons that separates the main space of the church form the sanctuary area behind it. The iconostasis attained this form in the fifteenth century having developed from smaller partitions of the early Christian Church. These low screens (or even solid walls) served a similar purpose of separating the sanctuary from the nave and were covered by increasing numbers of icons. Yet, while the Western Church removed such screens during the sixteenth century, Russian iconostases grew to include a total of five tiers. The increasing number of icons became arranged according to a hierarchical system similar to that used on church walls. At ground level, small icons for personal devotion are used either as gifts to the church or as representative of an individual's patron saint. This is thought to establish a unique religious relationship in the church and with God. As one spiritually progresses up the Iconostasis, he or she attempts to reach God (the highest tier) through the saints and angels, prophets and patriarchs, and the Virgin and Child. Iconostases thus became symbolic transition points between the sacred sanctuary and public space. From top to bottom are shown: