Scholars and Observers |
Although most commentators on the endtimes maintain some sort of belief or ideological position, these websites claim to observe and comment on the overall scene from a more comprehensive and perhaps more objective viewpoint. These authors often present scholarship in the traditional sense, that is, they include footnotes and bibliographical references to analytic material that goes beyond the internal referencing of Biblical or prophetic exegesis materials. These websites speak to an academic community and try to serve an educational (as opposed to proselytzing) function. A few of these sites are sponsored by academic organizations devoted to the study of the millennium.
- Apocalypse, submitted by Allison Seib.
- A PBS special section that focuses on information about the Apocalypse of the world found in the Bible and on other scholarly sites. This site discusses different interpretations of Bible Revelation verses, presents different views of scholarly individuals, provides timelines, and end of the world pictures. Through an educational approach, PBS offers any person who is interested about the idea of the end of the world to enhance his or her knowledge. It has a dramatic and curious homepage compacted with different links, access to videos, a helpful glossary, and a quiz. Being only a few years old (designed in 1999), it is a reliable, educational source. It is a mixture of helpful links, information, interesting facts, and awesome graphics that project fun and educational materials for
educational or personal uses. (Accessed 29 November 2004)
- The Apocalypse of John. Submitted by Ray Tricomi.
- This web-site was created and maintained by a Dr. Loren Johns. Dr. Johns is a professor at Bluffton College, a small Christian school located in Bluffton, Ohio. The purpose of this web-site is to inform and educate people about the Book of Revelation. Mostly this site is a guide on how to do research on this particular project. Dr. Johns has a very long and useful list of links on the book of revelation as well as the apocalypse. The main aspect of the web-site is all of the literature on the topic of apocalypse and the book of revelation. There is also a section on "Resources for the Study of the Book of Revelation." The site is very entertaining to the eye, in particular, there are two large pictures on the site that catch the eye very quickly. (Reviewed November 1999; link updated October 30, 2002)
- Apocalyptic Ideas in Old English Literature, submitted by Emma Wolfe.
- Carolin Esser's website takes a look at apocalyptic ideas in older cultures. Her main focus is on the Anglo-Saxons. The website includes many features such as a glossary, an art gallery, and various articles. Also included is a look at various clips from the literature that she uses. The literature ranges from the Exeter Book to De Anticristo. A few things I would like to point out are the timeline and an article entitled "Signs of Doom." This website is for those who would like to focus on a literary look at the end times. This site can be navigated with relative ease. (Accessed Dec. 9, 2004).
- Art, Images, and Materials related to the Book of Revelation, submitted by Kira Hartger.
- While the Book of Revelation is seemingly impossible to understand, this site offers a wide variety of images, music, and scholarly sources that may give some insight into the difficult text. With links from Christian Goth music to a map of the cities in Revelation, this site is wonderfully informative to the apocalyptic scholar. The site, compiled by Professor Felix Just, S.J., of Loyola Marymount University, is a site composed completely of links to the artwork, music, and other materials related to the Book of Revelation. Several informative articles appear from such schools as Harvard University and Boston College, as well as artwork dating from 14th century tapestries to digitally created images of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The site appears to be relatively unbiased, providing the reader with information that serves as an aid in an approach the Book of Revelation as a scholarly pursuit. (Accessed November 25, 2002; Editor's Note December 19, 2004: URL updated)
- Catholic Encyclopedia, submitted by Allison Seib.
- The New Advent Catholic Online Encyclopedia is an interesting encyclopedia that has abundant information on the Apocalypse and the Antichrist from a Catholic point-of-view. Provided is an insightful collection of Biblical material that breaks down the Book of Revelations into significant passages for those with little Biblical knowledge. Originally an encyclopedia published in 1907, it later was transferred to the Internet for easy access. There are different Bible related links on the homepage that have solid, historical and Biblical backed information, which would be a great source for anyone interested in learning or researching the end of the world or any other Biblical concept from a Catholic standpoint. (Accessed November 29, 2004)
- Center for the Advancement of Rational Solutions, submitted by Mitchell Minerd
- The Center for the Advancement of Rational Solutions, CARS, is a non profit organization sponsored by large number of professors at various Nebraskan Universities. The group meets to discuss solutions for conflicts that arise between the scientific and religious community. The goal of the professors is to look scientifically into the disagreements between the increasingly opposing groups and come to a logical conclusion pertaining to the discrepancies. The scientific approach taken by CARS and the high level of education sustained by their members helps to validate their arguments. The site contains information pertaining to major religious views as well as plausible scientific scenarios of how the world will end. CARS aim is to inform educated men and women about a reconciliation that needs to take place between religion and science. The objective of CARS is the promotion of "rational solutions to conflicts between science, society, and the world's many religions." (accessed 17 November 2005)
- Center for Millennial Studies, submitted by Heather Hutchison.
- The website for the Center for Millennial studies contains well-organized information and articles on different theories concerning the end of the world. The authors are members of the Center writing essays and articles about the issues and views. The purpose of the page is to educate interested people about issues of the end of the world. Because of many authors, the page does not have a bias. Topics covered on the page are: the Y2K computer virus, international apocalyptic movements, and the Antichrist. The page also includes links to other articles that are related to the topic, and an address to e-mail the Center. It is useful for looking at several millennial issues, religious and secular. (22 Oct 1997)
- [Editor's Note: A MUST-SEE SITE for scholars of the apocalypse.]
- Christian Zionism: Its History, Theology, and Politics, submitted by Kira Hartger.
- This site will first lead you to the Christ Church home page, but it has no particular baring on the end of the world. The link entitled "Articles and Papers" leads you to a page of Stephan Sizer's published works. From there, a link entitled 4. Christian Zionism: Its History, Theology and Politics leads you to several links to pages including lectures and talks, and chapters of doctoral research at Oak Hill Theological College and Middlesex University. The site is an excellent source for scholars, providing several views of Christian Zionism. Though most pages on the site have not been updated since 1999 or so, it still serves as an excellent reference to Christian Zionism. (Accessed November 25, 2002.)
[Editor's Note, December 19, 2004. The website has been reorganized. See the Christ Church Home page, the list of articles under Published works of Stephan Sizer. Sizer's book is available for purchase through the website.]
- Eschatology, submitted by Stacy Lockwood.
- In this website, John J. Reilly presents his views on eschatology by critiquing the works of other authors who have written about the subject. Such topics covered include: Roman Catholic theology on the end of history and the end of times; "killer cults"; and, a possible rave that may take place at the end of the world. The eschatology site is a section from his larger page which also includes such topics as History, Literature, Religion, and World Government . He also includes links to credible websites such as The Center for Millennial Studies, of which he is a member. By providing a brief overview of the work of another author, and then critiquing the work himself, Reilly provides the reader with a broader view on the subject. If you are looking for an intellectual website dealing with eschatology, this is a good place to start. (Accessed Nov. 18, 2002)
- Geological and Biblical Perspectives on Earthquakes and the End Times, submitted by Ryan Turner.
- This page represents the unpublished work of Geologist Steven Austin and Theologian Mark Strauss, of the Institute for Creation Research. It attempts to debunk claims that the End Times are upon us, by showing that there is in fact no evidence of a statistical increase in the frequency or magnitude of earthquakes. The article characterizes the appearance of earthquakes in the Bible as a symbol of God's wraith, and emphasizes the proper interpretation of Biblical passages. The credibility of this article is plain, as the authors thoroughly explain what constitutes a valid seismologic catalog, giving a synopsis of the five global catalogs used in their research. Interestingly, the authors are able to successfully combine scientific research with an objective analysis of the Bible in its proper religious context. This article is intended for a generally well educated audience that is interested in sifting creation myths from actuality.
(Accessed November 5, 2002)
- Nick Bostrom's Home Page, submitted by Justin Schwab.
- Nick Bostrom has a PhD in Philosophy, and is member of the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford University. This site contains his writings on philosophy of science, ethics, transhumanism, probability theory, some poetry, and a fable. On his site, there are almost fifty links to different papers and presentations he has done. He also has written many papers that pertain to the end of the world. Some of the topics, which do deal with the end of the world, are: When Machines Outsmart Humans, Essential Risks-Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards, and numerous links that deal with the Doomsday Argument. I would recommend this web site to someone who wants to explore the possibilities and different views on topic relating to the end of the world, as we know it. There are also some things that he writes about that are just interesting and sometimes scientifically humorous. (Accessed November 11, 2004)
- Online Millennium Discussion is sponsored by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
- PBS Frontline: Apocalypse!. Below are several reviews of the website accompanying the 1999 documentary series.
- Apocalypse!, submitted by Brandon Bouchard.
- The site describes a variety of beliefs relating to the apocalypse and provides a number of links on the homepage which all contain information regarding all aspects of apocalyptic thought. It describes the origins of apocalyptic thought as well as what different religions believe, where apocalypticism is popular today, and literature that is useful is learning more about it. The website also has information about the antichrist, a chronological ordering of many of the events through history that have added to the apocalyptic ways of thinking, and it has a group of scholars that give their thoughts on the apocalypse and how it relates to America. Other links that some may find interesting are an antichrist quiz, an opportunity to join the website's discussion forum and further readings available on the apocalypse. The information included is directed at people that might be interested in contemporary thoughts about the apocalypse. (Accessed November 4, 2004)
- Frontline. Apocalypse: The Evolution of Apocalyptic Belief and How It Shaped the Western World., submitted by Cristina Lazzaro.
- This informative site, sponsored by Public Broadcasting System and Frontline, has interviews with historians about popular biblical beliefs, the Book of Revelation's description of the end of the world, discusses the antichrist, historical apocalyptic predictions, and explains apocalyptic events. Historians and scholars give their expert opinions, as well as reviewing the creditability of and explaining predictions. The website shows different beliefs and thoughts of other people. There are links within the site to further explain, including an antichrist quiz. It's a good website for PBS viewers who are interested in learning about the antichrist, historians' viewpoints and their validations for their beliefs. The well organized website has descriptions underneath the links to explain where the link takes you. (Accessed November 4, 2004)
- Frontline Apocalypse, submitted by David Egan.
- The authority of this site is the WBGH corporation as a whole. Much credit can however be given to William Cran who produced the PBS frontline television series which included a special called "Apocalyse!" The purpose of this website is to richly inform people about apocalyptic thought and interpretation. It is primarily about "the evolution of apocalyptic belief and how it shaped the western world." It includes interactive quizzes, videos of the special which aired on PBS, an online discussion blog, and even a chronology of apocalyptic information. It also has many interesting subsections on events or signs proving the legitimacy of prophecies that have come true in the 20th century, reasons for the resiliency of apocalyptic belief, America as the New Jerusalem, and the very similar apocalyptic beliefs between Nazism and Marxism. This site is geared towards people who want to learn about apocalyptic scenarios and prophecies. (Accessed 31 December 2007)
- Apocalypse!, submitted by John Stepnick.
- PBS has created this site for the purpose of informing everybody of the facts as well as of their own opinions about numerous Biblical and end time topics. The site covers everything from the apocalypse to the book of Revelation to the Anti-Christ. Also included is a pictorial time line which describes the evolving ideas of the apocalypse through the centuries, a "round table" discussing the end of the world, and a discussion forum. Finally, PBS has also provided numerous links to other web pages dealing with the end of the world and video clips about the book of Revelation and the apocalypse. (accessed 28 November 2004)
- Apocalypse, submitted by Allison Seib
- A PBS special section that focuses on information about the Apocalypse of the world found in the Bible and on other scholarly sites. This site discusses different interpretations of Bible Revelation verses, presents different views of scholarly individuals, provides timelines, and end of the world pictures. Through an educational approach, PBS offers any person who is interested about the idea of the end of the world to enhance his or her knowledge. It has a dramatic and curious homepage compacted with different links, access to videos, a helpful glossary, and a quiz. Being only a few years old (designed in 1999), it is a reliable, educational source. It is a mixture of helpful links, information, interesting facts, and awesome graphics that project fun and educational materials for
educational or personal uses. Accessed November 29, 2004)
- Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, submitted by Peter Fill.
- The Showtime series Penn & Teller: Bullshit! attempts to debunk any new or questioned scientific idea. It touches on issues that the media is too sensitive to deal with and provides scientific evidence to support their findings. One section deals with the apocalypse, where there are links to various experts including authors Hal Lindsey and John Hogue. There is a video clip from this episode where skeptic James Randi criticizes Nostradamus, saying that the practice of switching letters around, or adding and subtracting letters, is a flawed technique for interpreting the famous prophet. Another page of interest is the episode on environmental hysteria, which contains links to several experts and a video clip from an interview with Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore. This is an excellent website for debunking theories about the end of the world. (Accessed November 22, 2004)
- Religious Tolerance Organization
- Doomsday, Destructive Religious Cults , submitted by Stacy Lockwood.
- The "Doomsday, Destructive Religious Cults" website has been created by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, and is a link from their larger site http://religioustolerance.org. This specific page attempts to explain the ideas behind the deaths of the members of the cults, and primarily cites the use of mind control techniques in order for the "leaders" to obtain control. A few examples of the cults discussed include: Charles Manson and the Family; Heaven's Gate; and, The People's Temple. A further link is provided for each doomsday or destructive cult in which they are then discussed in greater detail. This is an excellent site for obtaining beginners knowledge of highly recognized destructive religious cults. (Accessed November 5, 2002)
- End of the World' predictions in our future. Submitted by Kristin Albert.
- This site is part of a larger site called Orlando Consultants on Religious Tolerance (OCRT)-an Internet based organization with no scholarly background in theology. One member, B.A. Robinson, authors this site. Unlike many other pages on the end of the world, this one downplays the hype surrounding the year 2000. The site targets North Americans and tries to calm their fears about the supposed end of the world. To do this, the page offers links to failed past predictions as well as summaries of Armageddon predictions through 2076. These predictions were made by a variety of people, and express the beliefs of many religions. Additionally, there are links to other sites about different theories concerning the end of the world. This site is well researched, but might contain inaccuracies because all references are web pages. Nonetheless, the numerous failed and future predictions described definitely accomplish the site's goal.(Accessed 29 November 1999).
- Menu: The Millennium and End-of-the-World Prophecies, submitted by Teresa Berkey.
- This website, which is slightly out of date, primarily focuses on what Christians believe will come about in the end, but takes a more objective approach to the topic instead of pushing a particular viewpoint upon the reader. The site provides factual information on what liberal and conservative Christians believe will happen during the end, and discusses the relevance on the Book of Revelation, as well. There is a section devoted to what the secularists believe will come about during the end of days, and there is also a section pertaining to natural ways the world might end. The website, a branch of ReligiousTolerance.org, tries to provide information that many people might relate to regarding the end of the world, but despite the site address, appears to have Christian overtones and biases on the topic, something one might not expect from a religious tolerance website. (Accessed November 2, 2002)
- The Millennium and End-of-the-World Predictions, submitted by Heather Schubert
- This informational website is intended for a general audience that is searching for prophecies that have been disproved throughout history. It includes when the second millennium officially started and what the public expected near the end of the first millennium. Most of the website is dedicated to prophecies and predictions made during different years. It lists disproved predictions by year, plus prophecies proven wrong throughout history and made for the near future. Though the website, sponsored by ReligiousTolerance.org, shows a religious bias by referencing the Bible and Christianity, it seems reliable. The author lists numerous references and contact information. The website lists novels, websites, and other sources for further research on similar topics. The site is logically organized with larger topics on the main page and links of details. (accessed 14 Nov. 2005)
- Religious Tolerance, submitted by Aran Tench
- The group that owns this site is Religious Tolerance, a non-profit organization. The page does not necessarily state this group's views on the end of the world, it seems they are merely trying to make the reader aware of the various beliefs and predictions of different groups. Some groups that the Religious Tolerance organization cites are the Branch Davidians, the Unarius Society, and The Order of the Solar Temple. This site also gives the reader links to sites concerning a wide variety of end of the world issues. The organization is led by four volunteers from different backgrounds. The organizers give a great deal of information about themselves. An interesting sub-page on this site is the list of end of the world predictions. The site seems very well rounded and complete and includes links to almost everything they mention. (Accessed March 15, 1999)
- John Reilly's Homepage, submitted by Stephanie Irish.
- Although having an education in law, John J. Reilly stuck to the scholarly work of writing his ideas on various topics. The website is composed of a Main Page that lists key ideas on certain topics that Reilly has touched upon. These documents can be purchased or a sample piece of each can be downloaded to view. By clicking a link, another page can be reached with articles that summarize the particular topic. There are also book reviews and links on the bottom of each page. Along with the articles found on the website, there is also a blog where Reilly keeps the visitor up to date on the happenings of the world and how they relate back to the end of the world. People interested in this site would be those who find reading a luxury and are interested in a different opinion on the world. (Accessed November 20, 2007.)
- Robert Dreyfuss: The Official Site, submitted by Isabel Abrams
- For anyone who wants to take the apocalypse with a liberal flair, Robert Dreyfuss's website is the place to go. Not only are the articles smart, but also the page is laid out in an easy-to-read fashion. Robert Dreyfuss is a private journalist, and his articles appear in many prominent publications. His articles are a commentary on the Bush administration along with his opinions of the war. In addition, Dreyfuss has an apocalyptic undertone in many of his articles. In his article, "Apocalypse Not," he discusses the war, and how the U.S. involvement in Iraq could lead to an all out nuclear war, thus, an apocalypse. Dreyfuss believes that the Bush administration is pushing the world to the brink of another war. It is clear that these articles are powerful political statements. They are written intelligently, and pose a realistic situation for the end of the world. (Accessed 31 December 2007)
- The Skeptics Society, submitted by Ian McMeans.
- The Skeptics Society prides themselves on being "devoted to the investigation of extraordinary claims, revolutionary ideas and the promotion of science and critical thinking." If one follows links from the main page to the Archives and to the article published in the third issue of the fourth volume by Tim Callahan entitled "The End of the World & The New World Order." Here, one can get a Skeptic's view on certain modern-day end-of-the-world scenarios. Callahan discusses things such as Hal Lindsey's assumptions about the trumpet judgments, the 1994 Federal Crime Bill, and the Hong Kong Gurkhas as well as the great leaps of logic that many "New World Order" theorists make such as using number tables and about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) being the beginning of the global regime. Callahan also discusses theories about the Templars and Freemasons as well as some Humanist and New Age theories. (Accessed November 1, 2004)
This page last updated 4 November 2010