David Koresh and the Branch Davidians

Branch Davidians
The controversial Rick Ross, who heads the Rick A. Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements, collects information about David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, including information about the 1993 incident, a chronology of key developments in the standoff, and his own writings about the Waco trial. (Accessed December 19, 2004)
All about David Koresh and the WACO Incident, submitted by Kristen Lane.
This site provides information on the trial and the history of David Koresh. The first page provides information on how both parties in the trial will prepare for trial. The second section or chapter contains details about the first failed attack against Koresh and is further explained in chapter 3. Chapter four provides a history of the life of David Koresh and how his religious life evolved. Chapters 5 through 8 contain information about the standoff that occurred between Koresh and his people against the FBI. Chapter 9 gives details about the aftermath of the standoff and the events that followed. The 11th chapter provides a bibliography of the materials that were used to compile the information that is found here. The Author of this site, Katherine Ramsland, is a PhD, and has an extensive background in forensic studies and has been involved in many other criminal proceedings. (Accessed November 15, 2004)
The Watchman Expositer: David Koresh's Seven Seals Teaching, submitted by Hilary White.
James Trimm writes with the purpose of providing David Koresh's interpretations of the seven seals and their symbolism. Trimm does appear to have a background on this particular subject, but it is not entirely evident in his style of writing or his organization. The author assumes that the reader has read the Bible and is familiar with its contents. It is clear that the author makes this assumption because there is no passage included in this site that lists a description of the seven seals. The author doesn't make any real assumption, though it is obvious he writes in support of Koresh's interpretations. This study does not compare well with others of it's kind. It does not appear that the author has done a vast amount of research concerning the seals themselves. The author might want to include the passages from the Bible containing the sevel seals. This would then open the site to a larger audience. (Review from 1999; link updated October 30, 2002)
Branch Davidians, Students of the Seven Seals, submitted by Hilary White
The purpose of this web site, written by B.A Robinson, is to provide a complete history of the sect Branch Davidians, including it's beliefs and practices. The intended audience for this web site is people who have an interest in this particular sect, although it is not necessary to have prior knowledge of the sect. The author's qualification on this subject matter is clearly evident through the manner in which the site is organized and researched. A chronological account of the sect's origin and development is provided. The author devotes a large portion of the site to the events which took place in Waco, Texas 1993. The author makes no assumptions about this event, nor does he reveal any biases. Since the author only outlines the history of the sect, no conclusions or claims are made. One problem with this site is that the author only touches on the surface of many issues involving the sect. One way to correct this is to provide several more facts on issues that are lacking strong support. (Review from 1999; site available October 30, 2002)
Seven Seals Revelation, submitted by Michelle Greiner
Copyrighted by Hidden Manna, this prophetic site uses Bible references and excerpts from the book Seven Seals to explain the beliefs of the Branch Davidians. It is useful for those interested in understanding the beliefs of various religious groups or for those wishing to change their beliefs. The author attempts to fulfill his own destiny as the chosen one to whom has been revealed the "awesome truth," but states that understanding of the word could not be revealed until David Koresh fulfilled his prophecies. The site includes dozens of links to different areas of the Bible as well as to a preface, editor's notes, and a glossary of Biblical terms. Information on downloading or ordering Seven Seals is provided. (accessed 12 Oct. 1997) (site unavailable October 30, 2002)
Seven Seals Revelation, submitted by Mack Flaherty
This site, copyrighted by Hidden Manna, explores the idea of the end of the world from the view of the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation. The site presents this information in the form of a play, starting with pre-history, and continuing into the future. The play is called "A Star falls from Heaven," and is based off of the book Seven Seals. The site has many links to the books of Daniel and Revelation. Someone interested in learning about the beliefs of a religion other than their own would be inclined to view this site. The site also entertains questions and inquiries for the curious visitor. In addition to these resources, information on downloading the book Seven Seals is provided. This site provides a wealth of information about the beliefs of the Branch Davidians, and helps to potentially explain the mystery of the end times. (Accessed 16 Nov. 2010)
The Ashes of Waco: An Investigation.", submitted by Sarah Knopp.
This sight, by journalist Dick J. Reavis, covers a book he wrote about the Waco happenings, which includes information such as David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, the first shot, Koresh's statutory rape, illegal weapons, pictures, and the government and FBI involvement. Reavis used the court case, and evidence used in the court case to gather the information contained in the site. Most conclusions were justified with statements either from the FBI or from the court case. This site also leads to other informational sites about David Koresh and Waco. This site is informative, well organized, and well written, therefore I would recommend it to anyone interested in Waco or David Koresh. (Reviewed in 1999; site unavailable October 30, 2002)
[Editor's note: the book by Reavis The Ashes of Waco: An Investigation is available from amazon.com and is reviewed widely on the web.
The Waco Tragedy, submitted by Jessica Troilo
This article is entitled "The Waco Tragedy," and its author is James A. Haught. The main purpose of this article is to educate people about David Koresh and how his cult came into existence. His essay also explains why people equate Koresh to a god and worship him accordingly. While researching for this article, Haught has apparently came to a justifiable conclusion that it is unnerving to think that there are people in this world who are capable of having many people worship them, give money and possessions to them, and die for them. (Review from 1999).
Mount Carmel Center, submitted by Wyla (wyla@flash.net), the website-administrator
This website claims to be the only one on the internet that is owned by the Survivours of the incident known as WACO. Wyla offers the following description: "This site is dedicated to our friends and family who are still in prison unjustly. At our web-site those who wish to learn more about the truth of what really occoured at Mt. Carmel may contact those who were there and lived it... We also have available the Trial Transcripts. This is the one and ONLY official aka Branch Davidian Web-site.. Please do not be fooled by the imposters."
October 30, 2002, This site appears to have been moved in 1999, but the link is inoperative : http://www.flash.net/~wyla/

This page last updated 17 December 2010