Islamic Apocalypticism |
Islamic Apocalypticism
- Islamic Apocalypse? Submitted by Julie Agostinelli
- This website is an interview between Deborah Caldwell and David Cook, a Rice University scholar of Islamic Apocalypticism. An insight is given on Islamic Apocalyptic views and the American invasion of Iraq as a fulfillment of Muhammad's prophecies. The American invasion is considered a "replay" of an ancient war between formerly allied groups the Byzantine Empire (the Americans) and the Muslims. This war signifies the upcoming rapture and the end of days as prophesized in the Qu'ran. Cook states the Muslims believe in an "Antichrist equivalent" which could take the form of a person, a nation, or thought distortion. Muslims see hundred-year markers as speculators for the apocalypse where God will send a Mujaddid figure, a "renewer of religion," believed by some radical Muslims to be Osama bin Laden. This interview was very interesting as to how the Muslim world interprets current events. It will intrigue Muslims and non-Muslims alike. (November 29, 2004)
Appendix 25: The End of the World, submitted by Jessica Troilo
- The author of Appendix 25, who remains anonymous, has written a commentary on the Muslim Holy Book to inform people of certain signs that appear in the Quran which supposedly lead to the end of the world. These signs can be used as a sort of "countdown" to the end. This debatable web page, which is well-researched, also includes a system of letters and numbers that can be utilized in a way to predict the year of the end of the world which is, according to this author, in the year 2280 A.D. (Reviewed 1999; link updated October 30, 2002)
This page last updated 15 December 2004