The Year 2012

The Calendar Stone reflects Aztec cosmic cycles and their imperial ideology, but NOT a Maya end date. (National Museum of Anthropology and History, Mexico City).

By El Comandante (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The most recent big apocalyptic moment was supposed to be December 21, 2012, a landmark date in the Maya calendar and the hopeful annus mirabilis of New Age philosophy. The Maya ritual calendar was composed of 260 days, a sequence of 13 months consisting of 20 individually named days. This cycle is then played against a cycle based on the phases of the Sun, Moon and Venus. The result is a complex calendar that repeats itself every 3600 years. By the current "Long Count" of the Mayan calendar, a great cycle ends on December 21st 2012. Terence McKenna is one visionary who thought the world would be changed by this date, but now he is joined by many prophets, some of whom claim serious credentials as Mayanists. Although nothing much seemed to happen on that date, some still believe that a new age of enlightenment has now been ushered in. Collected here are useful websites on the Maya calendar, Maya and Aztec civilization generally, and related 2012 concerns.

Scholarly Websites

Predictions of 2012 as the Beginning of a New Age

Scientific Approach to the Astronomy of 2012

Knowledge from Afar

Individuals concerned with 2012: Terence McKenna | John Major Jenkins | Clif High (WebBot) | Adrian Gilbert | Patrick Geryl | Robert Bast

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Scholarship on Maya Civilization
Anthony Aveni In his lecture "The End of Time: The Maya Mystery of 2012," posted on YouTube by Colgate University, Anthony Aveni looks at the 2012 predictions from the point of view of archaeo-astronomy, history, and physics. In 2013, our group looked for sites that would follow up on the variety of critiques offered by Prof. Aveni. See Aveni's website for more information about his publications in this field.

2012 and the End of the World by Matthew Restall and Amara Solari laid the basis for our scholarly approach to the problems of 2012 when our group took up the question in 2011. Restall and Solari include detailed discussions of the key pieces of evidence, including Monument 6 at El Tortuguero, and others at Izapa, Copán, Cobá, and Quiriguá. Their scholarship suggests that Maya culture is not particularly millenarian, but that the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs was narrated in apocalyptic mode by Franciscan historians, who exploited local rivalries when they reported that Montezuma (Moctezuma) yielded to Cortès without a fight. Additional reviews at Amazon.com.

National Geographic, submitted by Noelle Lemons.
The National Geographic website captures many fascinating articles that unravel the mysteries of the Mayan Calendar and its alleged prophesy regarding the end of times. An article entitled "End of the World in 2012? Maya 'Doomsday' Calendar Explained" written by John Roach informs the reader of a Mayan stone tablet believed to predict Doomsday on December 21, 2012. However, the writing on the tablet is essentially unidentified, and Roach proves the Mayan Calendar is actually cyclical in nature without a true end. Erik Vance provides a similar conclusion in his article "Unprecedented Maya Mural Found, Contradicts 2012 'Doomsday' Myth" where he effectively explains that there are calculations written on the mural suggesting dates thousands of years in the future. Both of these convincing and informative articles on the National Geographic website confirm that the Mayans were not looking for an end, but rather a guarantee that nothing would change. (Accessed December 5, 2013)
National Geographic, submitted by Brennen French.
With an enormous research team, National Geographic is recommended as an extensive and reliable source of information on many different topics. Building up to the Maya "2012 Doomsday" Prophecy, many articles were published on the Maya civilization. Maya Calendars Actually Predict That Life Goes On, by Catherine Zuckerman, discusses the true meaning behind the cyclical Mayan Long Count Calendar, credited for declaring the end of the world in 2012, although it is noted that only one Mayan monument states that date. She debunks other 2012 Doomsday prophecies with evidence from NASA scientists, specifically the possible existence of "Planet X", Nibiru, said to make impact with Earth sometime in 2012. In Unprecedented Maya Mural Found, Contradicts 2012 "Doomsday" Myth, Erik Vance states that the Maya were not looking for an ending, but instead the reassurance that things would continue as they had. (Accessed December 23, 2013)
FAMSI (Foundation for Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies), submitted by Aydin Alikaya.
The FAMSI website "aims to assist and promote qualified scholars" in research and advancement in studying ancient Mesoamerica, with the intention of preserving the pre-Columbian cultures of Central America. It houses publications, including theses and dissertations, and resource pages providing reliable information on many topics, numerous images, videos, and teaching tools. This site contains extensive research particularly on Maya texts such as the Dresden Codex which can be downloaded completely. Their vast collection on the 2012 phenomenon explains to us that "it is not the end of the world." The maps display various culture, country, linguistic, and chronological aspects. The site is easy to navigate and is constantly being updated with new finds in ongoing research. Under the different subgroups, you will find extensive amounts of information on anything pre-Columbian in Mesoamerica. If there are any questions regarding the foundation, they can easily be contacted. (Accessed, December 12, 2011)
The Old Explorer, submitted by Adam Nageotte.
The Old Explorer is a website that covers the story of James O'Kon an author and Archaeoengineer who has spent nearly forty years exploring the lost technology of the Maya. His research and discoveries have been featured on The History Channel and in various magazines such as Civil Engineering and National Geographic. The site covers a broad range of Mayan technological achievements ranging anywhere from small tools to large structures. Nearly all of O'Kon's articles are very detailed and include diagrams and descriptions that are easily understandable to most high school educated audiences. The discoveries and theories offered by O'Kon help shed some light on the advancements of the sometimes-puzzling aspects of Mayan Technology. O'Kon encourages readers to develop their own conclusions about Mayan technological capabilities and theorize additional forms of nomenclature that could better suit the ancient Maya. (Accessed November 18, 2013)
Authentic Maya, submitted by Jacqueline McMullen.
For someone wanting to learn about the Mesoamerican world surrounding the Mayans, AuthenticMaya.com is a great website to visit. The homepage gives an overview on the settlement of the Mayans. It contains information regarding the discoveries made by archeologist Dr. Richard Hansen, Affiliate Research Professor at the Institute for Mesoamerican Research at Idaho State University. The site includes links for unknown vocabulary, too. AuthenticMaya.com has a menu titled "Maya Culture" which has subtopics to choose from. Material is offered on topics like culture, writing, and calendars. There are links on the website to learn more about Guatemala itself. Sources are cited on the homepage, adding to the authenticity of AuthenticMaya.com. Dr. Renato Villalobos, the author, hopes that people would learn more about Guatemala and the Mayans and consider visiting the country one day. AuthenticMaya.com definitely answers the question, "Who were the Mayans?" (Accessed December 23, 2013)
Authentic Maya, submitted by Dan Gebhart.
Authentic Maya is a website dedicated to the ancient Maya culture that is now modern day Guatemala. The website is run by Dr. Renato Villalobos and was last updated on April 4, 2011. This site was created to inform people of the ancient Mayans and persuade you to visit modern day Guatemala. Not only can you find topics ranging from mythology and astronomy all the way to mathematics and writing, but Authentic Maya provides information on the geology and nature of Guatemala as well. This website helps to prove its credibility by posting several organizational and educational website of the bottom of its homepage to show that it is a part of a respected group of sites. All in all, Authentic Maya provides quality information in a well-organized and easy to understand way. It is a great website to use when doing research on Guatemala and the ancient Maya civilization. (Accessed December 23, 2012)
Authentic Maya, submitted by Meredith Gumash.
Artwork and architectural ruins along with other information of the Maya culture have been uncovered in Guatemala and can be read about and explored through this website, run by Dr. Renato Villalobos. Although the site tries to entice tourists to visit Guatemala, it is extremely informative and contains scholarly information about over 110 archaeological sites of the Maya as well as their culture, calendar, mathematics, history, texts, mythology, warfare, trade economy, and especially art. These sections contain material and the history surrounding the 2012, "end of the world" prophesy. Dr. Richard Hansen's video lecture "Mapping the Mirador Basin" is featured. This site is also for people looking to experience the culture and natural environment of Guatemala as it can be seen today. (Accessed December 9, 2011)
The Maya Conservancy, submitted by Shannon Kuhn.
The Maya Conservancy, working along side other non-profit agencies, was founded to aid in the preservation and protection of Maya Culture and Heritage and Maya and Pre-Maya archeological sites throughout Mexico and Central America. The site's blog features informative articles about historic sites and cultural events that the organization has sponsored, with links to their YouTube video site which includes a video about what the Conservancy is doing to acknowledge the native culture in reference to 2012. The organization's main focus is on the Izapa monument and its artwork because of its important early religious implications, particularly as it relates to the long count calendar of the Mayans. (Accessed December 7, 2011)
Maya Exploration Center, submitted by Alyssa Babitt.
The MEC, directed by archeologist Dr. Ed Barnhart, is devoted to studying the Maya civilization and running informational, first-hand tours for students studying abroad and researchers. This website is very organized and updated often, with links to pictures, ongoing, and completed research, such as the Palenque Mapping Project. Very important articles discuss the Maya calendar and Monument 6 at Tortuguero, which describes the end of the Maya Long Count on December 21, 2012. John Major Jenkins who dedicates his life to researching Maya civilization wrote the article Astronomy in the Tortuguero Inscriptions, (PDF file) which discusses his "2012 alignment hypothesis" that suggests the "Mayan awareness of the sun's future alignment with the dark rift in the Milky Way on the solstice of 2012 A.D." and additional scholarly discussion. (Accessed December 8, 2011)
Maya Civilization Definition, submitted by Sarah Meyer.
Joshua J. Mark, a freelance writer and director/editor for the Ancient History Encyclopedia website, informs his readers in many articles about various aspects of Mayan civilization. There are several keywords throughout this particular article, each leading to a page meant to further inform. A bibliography is provided and there are references to other encyclopedia articles related to Mayan history. The article is split into five sections: Origins, Culture, Hieroglyphics, Calendar, and Today. Mark describes the timeline of the Mayan civilization, provides detail on their beliefs, values, and life, presents the various things that influenced what the Mayans recorded, discusses how the Mayan calendar works and how the Mayans believed time to work. This is a reliable source in that it analyzes various aspects of the Mayan culture, and illustrates what was significant to the Mayan people. (Accessed December 5, 2013)
Mesoweb, submitted by Akosua Nyantakyi.
The Mesoweb site was created by a number of university scholars, who have researched, analyzed and differentiate the Maya and Aztec history and culture. Their purpose is to inform and educate viewers with similar interest of native cultures, including the facts behind the ending of the Maya calendar in 2012 and the controversial apocalyptic theories. The site houses websites of several other scholarly researches and organizations, such as; Palenque, Culture of Ancient Mexico, FAMSI and the Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. The site also includes a Mayan vocabulary list, discussions of important art works, values and practices, encyclopedia, book recommendations and more. The site serves as a general and scholarly source using the Spanish and English language. The contexts of this site are easily assessable through the search engine that is incorporated into the website. (Accessed December 5, 2011)
The Rise and Fall of the Maya Empire, submitted by Cassie Andreas
The History Channel website provides us with valuable information about the Maya people and the development and decline of their civilization, from credible scholars and historians. There are also various links to theme sites that discuss the Mayan hieroglyphs and the Aztecs, which were of importance in comparison to the Maya. The videos expand on other areas of historical and archeological aspects of the Maya, while one is an animated overview and another offers a look inside their civilization. This is all necessary background information when researching the upcoming year 2012. To get closer to the mysterious date of December 21, 2012 and to understand how people have used the Maya calendar and the Aztec Calendar stone to predict the end of the world, visit History Channel 2012 topic site. (Accessed November 7, 2011).

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Scientific Approach to the Astronomy of 2012

Beyond 2012: Why the World Didn't End., submitted by Jacob Weiss.
This page serves as both responses to FAQs about the December 2012 apocalypse and as a portal to over two dozen related NASA sources. NASA serves as a fantastic, unbiased source for accurate astronomical information. Being made up of an international community of scientists, all information put forth by NASA is generally accepted worldwide. Certain questions pertain specifically to the Mayan influence on the legend, such as: "What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012? Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012? Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012?" Each answer is well thought out, culturally accurate and informative - even though this section is less science based. (Accessed November 18, 2013)
NASA, submitted by Julianne Bosley.
The NASA website includes countless information on astronomy from government specialists, and caters to individual researchers as well as to experts interested in updates within the scientific community. It contains credible articles that specifically concern the solar system, NASA technology, and more, and most have graphics and links to other sources. Additionally, this website provides many informative articles on 2012 astronomical theories. By following the link, researchers may view a page written by E.C. Krupp, editor of the magazine Sky and Telescope and observatory owner. Krupp explains misconceptions behind the Maya calendar, including the galactic alignment theory. He also deflates internet theories and Jenkins's claim stating the sun will eclipse the center of the Milky Way. The experience of NASA's experts offers credible information that will prove valuable to anyone looking for informative articles concerning astronomical doomsday theories. (Accessed 4th December 2011)
Predictions of 2012 as the Beginnings of a New Age
13-Moon Natural Time Calendar: Time is Art!, submitted by Michael Arcieri.
Eden Sky, researcher of the Ancient Mayan's prophesies, expert on the science of natural time, and co-author of 2013! The Beginning Is Here, created this website to provide resources for those interested in exploring the thirteen moon natural time calendar and its implications for life today. The website is updated very frequently with new literature and media related to the study of natural time. The site provides free access to the thirteen moon calendar, birth date decoders, and many New Age films. Sky also addresses the Mayan's 2012 prediction as a "global paradigm shift" of universal alignment and evolved human consciousness and provides ample resources for those concerned with how to live in this "new age." Sky hopes informing the public through this website will lead to a global understanding of natural time and help individuals live in harmony with each other. (Accessed November 17, 2013)
2012: End of the World Predictions, submitted by Rebecca Thomas.
This website, titled "2012: End of the World Predictions" was started in 2008 and is still being updated, with its latest story being one about the solar cycle and its affiliation with 2012. This website seems to cover all of the possibilities for the end of the world in 2012 that people have been mentioning for years, including the Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus, and Bible references. It includes NASA as a source for some of its articles, making it quite credible. The purpose of this website is to inform everyone of the predictions that are circulating about 2012 and the truth that they may uphold, and also how to prepare for it. Anyone looking for more information on the predictions of 2012 and are interested in reading about them would be interested in this website. (Accessed November 8, 2010; page unavailable December 21, 2011.)
2012 Unlimited:, submitted by Sam Michalak.
Site A is the part of this website that concerns the Mayan Calendar and the year 2012. It was created in order to make people aware of changes that are going to be happening in the near future, many of which are farfetched with little scientific backing. Some of them include: time acceleration, DNA upgrades, a shift from the fourth to fifth dimensions, and a frequency rise on earth to a twelve hour day. Many of the articles about Mayan prophecy were either written or spoken by a Dr. Carl J. Calleman, a Swedish biochemist who has spent at least the past eight years studying and lecturing on the Mayan calendar. By far the most helpful article on the site is called "Our Future - According to Mayan Calendar". It gives a decent amount of information about the cycles and prophetical nature of the Mayan calendar. (accessed November 12, 2007)
Alignment2012, submitted by Mi Huang.
John Major Jenkins, an American author and independent controversial researcher, created this commercial website to inform readers about his belief on Maya Calendar's prediction of the doomsday 2012. This site is clearly organized. The major section is Maya Calendar & 2012 Studies, which contains interviews in the mass media like ABC News Nightline, New York Times and FOX News, video clips of presentations, and in-depth analyses of Izapa, Solstice, 7 Wind, Galactic Alignment and Monuments with plentiful pictures. His research is professional but available to the general public because he doesn't lavishly depend on esoteric words. One can get more information by buying his Books, DVDs & CDs, contacting him via email, or attending events. Even though this website is not currently updated, it contains useful research. (Accessed: 5 December 2011)
Ancient World Mysteries Decoded: The Esoteric Knowledge of a Lost Age, submitted by Evan Duffey
On this particular webpage, there is plentiful information about the astronomy, mythology and myths behind the Mayan long calendar system as it all relates to spectacular day of 2012. Keith Hunter, the author, specifies how important each myth is to fully comprehend, so that New Age believers can recover the lost knowledge of ancient world mysteries. The webpage includes links to a wide range of things that can be related to 2012, including the great pyramid and a video lecture on Nibiru which is a large planetary object that is supposed to collide with the earth in a doomsday event in 2012. The website also makes available the author's book The Lost Age of High Knowledge. (Accessed December 15, 2011)
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Several reviews of December 21, 2012 http://www.december212012.com/
December 21, 2012, submitted by Steve Wilde.
December212012.com is a website concerned with many different topics, but after some research it is mainly about the end of the world. You can search for many articles such as the Mayan apocalypse. For example an interesting and useful page I found was called The Mayans and other Strange Predictions of Our Time, by Chris Holly. In this article he discussed the many different predictions of what would happen to our Earth on December 21, 2012. As this article also tells us, the astrological events were said to be completely false by many scientists. On the home page, there are stories about politics, religion, and much more. I couldn't find an author or publisher of the website because there was no "about us" section. I would definitely recommend this website to someone look for current world events and info on the end of the world. (Accessed December 23, 2013)
December 21, 2012, submitted by Chad Murawski.
The Mayans created a very detailed calendar that accurately predicted different world events. The Mayan's calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Many historians interpret this to be the day when civilization is going to come to an end. John, the author of this site, has different articles with several different theories and predictions describing what could happen in the year 2012. He wants all who visit his site to become aware of the possibility of Armageddon being in the very near future. This site describes different events that are happening in the world today such as the war in Iraq or other natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and how they accurately relate to what the Mayans predicted. (November 13, 2007).
December 21, 2012.com, submitted by Darryl Overton.
What does the media say about the Ancient Mayan Prophecy? Or what does anybody say about them for that fact? December 21, 2012.com is a source with a wealth of information about the speculated day of doom. This site has everything from merchandise to a countdown for the year 2012. Many news sources, links, groups and videos are all available to discover more information about the December 21, 2012. Links are available on the homepage discussing leading to the theories of how the world will end to how world religions are influenced by the Mayan belief. This is the perfect site for those in frenzy over end times involving the Ancient Mayan Prophecies. (Accessed December 31, 2007)
Global Oneness Commitment, submitted by Sam Michalak.
This site contains a great deal of information about various religions and belief systems. The parts of the website that involve the Mayans and the year 2012 are under the even more wisdom section on the left side and are labeled, Mayan Calendar, and 2012-year 2012. The website is set up in a way that once you select the topic you want; it gives you a list of articles on the subject, each with a brief description, summarizing the article. The articles are not listed in any particular order and in most cases the articles cover a broad range of points about each topic. The site itself is easy to use and it is easy to find the information you are looking for. The only downside is that there are annoying advertisements that appear right in the middle of your desired information. (Accessed November 12, 2007)
Mayan Calendar 2012, submitted by David DiBernardi.
This site includes many quality pictures with captions of things such as the Temple of Kukulcan which is said to be the physical embodiment of the Mayan Calendar, also Mayan writing, and Temple of Inscriptions. The purpose of this site is to make the readers think about the 2012 End of the World scenario. Its strength is that it is interactive and the reader can write predictions and comments about what they think will happen. The site promotes their Facebook link where the mission is to "promote the positive aspects within the Mayan Calendar," and is updated daily with New Age affirmations. A recent post on the Facebook page links to a very rich informative site that features the book 2012 Daily Guide to the Mayan Sacred Calendar whose authors Karen Namaste and Stan Majorowski appear to be this website authors. (Accessed November 29, 2011)
Alien Timeline

 Knowledge from Afar
Alveni notes that in our post-advent era, we look out to the stars for knowledge of endtimes, and welcome insight from far-away, even extra-terrestrial sources. In the modern era, it might be aliens--not angels--who herald the new age. And so some have prophesied that in 2012 we will welcome visitors from outer space who will bring us to the next level of knowledge.
Alveni showed Joe Nickell's "Alien Timeline" from Skeptical Inquirer (1997) to illustrate how our ideas of extra-terrestrial visitors have changed over the years. (Image reproduced from the Skeptiseum)

Alien Resistance, submitted by Rachael Taylor
Created by Guy Malone in 1999, Alien resistance is a site dedicated to offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO / Abduction phenomena, and to helping people experiencing these abnormal attacks find peace from their tormentors. The information listed on the site is neatly organized into an array of sections relating aliens to the bible, including interpretations of these aliens' abductions incorporating Malone's own views on how to stop them and specific chapters in additions to passages of the Bible that relate to these occurrences. Malone himself claims to have experienced these alien phenomena allowing him to present personal insight into the situations giving comfort to those in similar situations. (Accessed November 16, 2013)
The Official Alan Alford Website, submitted by Aaron Schultz.
Alan F Alford is a controversial researcher, with theories regarding the creation of humanity and its implications, published through Eridu Books. Further research into Eridu redirects to Alford. Although interesting, these theories are not scientific thus targeting a key audience: the uninformed. The introduction mentions the basis for Alford's theories. He has opinions regarding Aquatic Apes and Soul-Substance theories among others. In "The Ancient Astronaut Theory" Alford speaks about his previous speculations based on the theories of Zecharia Sitchin. He now criticizes Sitchin, drawing backlash from Sitchin himself. He calls upon research by Dr. Tom Van Flandern as evidence of a civilization on a doomed planet, whose inhabitants might have fled to Earth. This site is a great starting point, but must be taken with a grain of salt. (Accessed December 4, 2013)

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Individual Prophets of 2012
Terence McKenna
The ethnopharmacologist Terence McKenna (1946-2000) predicts, among other things, that the world will end, rather, we will be so utterly transformed as to be unrecognizable to ourselves, on December 21, 2012.
Terence McKenna home page seems to be an official site, with e-mail connections to TM, his publicist and business agent. A trip to McKenna's reality, including his visions of the end, can be reached at Hyperborea
Another site is Terence McKenna Land maintained by dmitri with pages devoted to the end year 2012.
McKenna's books are published by Blue Water Publishing.
Calculations of the endtime are based on his software Timewave Zero.
Get more information at the Fusion Anomaly website
YouTube clip of TM explaining TimeWave Zero and speeding up to the Year 2012 (24 min. 15 sec long)
Rohrschach Reality news clip on Timewave Zero (6 min 45 sec)
Adrian Gilbert Website, submitted by Darryl Overton.
Adrian Gilbert is a author that studies eschatology and he writes numerous books on end time scenarios. He has written The End of Time and The Mayan Prophecies which both reflect on end time scenarios. He discusses his reflection on the end of time on the website homepage. His works show a fundamental focus on Ancient Mayan Prophecies and archaeo-astronomy with titles such as 2012 Mayan Year of Destiny and Signs in The Sky. He reflects on the fact that the Mayans had a superior understanding of astronomy and they also based their calendar system off their knowledge. With his numerous works on Mayan literature this website is a gateway to a wealth of knowledge and understanding of Mayan religion, culture and prophecy that can explain their beliefs that the end is December 21, 2012. (Accessed December 31, 2007; Not accessible December 21, 2011)
Adrian Gilbert's new website The Invisible College promotes the "synthesis of ancient wisdom with new discoveries," charging a modest annual membership fee to participate in "on-line, participatory self-education." The Mayan Calendar system is considered under the topic of Prophecy. (Editor's note, December 21, 2011.)
Half Past Human, submitted by Adam Herman.
Clif High, one of the creators of WebBot, and firm believer that the end is near, consistently posts on his website about the end of the world, and occasionally posts some information about the latest WebBot data sets. His latest data set predicts that a dam will fail somewhere in Australia (http://www.halfpasthuman.com/audam.html), and WebBot has also predicted the end of the world in 2012. While some posts aren't relevant to the end of the world, he does post about his thoughts on how the world will end. Though some of his cataclysmic posts are his own thoughts, some are predicted by his program, WebBot. WebBot is a program that takes snapshots of key words and phrases all across the internet, which are then plotted on a scatter chart, from which predictions can be made. It predicts not only minor things, but also major, catastrophic events, such as 9/11. (Accessed November 30, 2011).
How to Survive 2012, submitted by Shannon Petersen
Recently, researcher Patrick Geryl gained notoriety due to his nine bestselling books and radical plans to survive the end of the world in 2012. His site outlines his beliefs and predictions on how the world might end, like polar shifts and nuclear war for example, and even his plans for survival. Keep in mind that Patrick Geryl believes that the world will end, so the information is often biased or based on assumption. However, he still provides interesting ideas of survival, specific to different catastrophic events and geographic locations, and even ways to rebuild civilization. Overall, the site provides a unique perspective from a true believer in the 2012 hype. (Accessed December 3, 2011)
Survive 2012. Three reviews on Robert Bast's site.
Survive 2012, submitted by Valerie Heigel
Robert Bast uses The Bast Theory, from his non-fiction novel, as his basis for his prediction that the world as it is known today could possibly end in the year 2012. This site is for anyone who is interested in the many possible ways that the world as it is known may come to an end. Bast analyzes the Mayan calendar, fractal time, and galactic alignments. The site is very well organized. A site map in the left hand side of the screen contains separate links that provide more information relating to the year 2012 such as pole shifts, global pyramids, Nazca Lines, cosmic rays, and dragons. Although the author of the site is clearly stating his point of view on the topic throughout the entire site, he has posted comments from visitors that oppose his theories and predictions, giving the web page and slightly objective view. (accessed 19 November 2005)
Survive 2012: Ancient Mayan Doomsday, Pole Shifts, and Evolution, submitted by Brian Schiffbauer.
Robert Bast, Associate Professor of Early History at the University of Tennessee revises the site that brings the Mayan idea of world extinction to light through a series of arguments such as the shifting of the earth's magnetic poles creating a global shift and evolutionary inconsistencies. The website is intended for a mature audience. The ideas started 10,000 years ago through a series of calculations; Mayans have set forth a date of the next cataclysm. Through a series of links one can access and see an in-depth analysis of the Mayan ideology. The website is credible and backed by Bast's vast knowledge of early history and a Ph. D in Late Medieval and Reformation studies from the University of Arizona. The site is culturally driven and has Mayan figures on its main page. The style is logically organized but contains too many links. (Accessed 7 December 2005)
Survive 2012, submitted by Heather Schubert
Robert Bast's website, based on and named from his novel in progress, is strictly informational with no bias. He presents information then lets the reader decide if it means the end of the world at the time. Bast explains the Mayan calendar along with other end-time theories and why this information pinpoints 2012 as the year the world will end. He also discusses other mythical, geological, and scientific topics as possibilities of the end of the world including dragons, Nazca Lines, pole shifts, and global pyramids and how they could be considered warning signs of the end of the world. The website is extremely organized and easy to understand and navigate. Each section has an introduction, details, and chapters with links shown in a table of contents at all times. The website seems extremely reliable and establishes credibility for Bast by including a biography, contact information, and list of references. (Accessed 14. Nov. 2005)

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This page last updated 23 December 2013