Amelia Carr

Chair, Art Department

Professor of Art History

Senior Faculty in Women's Studies

Secretary of the Faculty 
Faculty Meeting Documents


Allegheny College

Office phone: 814.332.3378

Raymond P. Shafer, Allegheny's Governor of Pennsylvania
The life and achievements of Raymond P. Shafer (1927- ), Allegheny College Class of 1938, Pennsylvania Governor 1967-1971. The website is based on an exhibit of memorabilia selected from his personal archives, currently housed at Pelletier Library.

The Hulmer Collection

Icons and Russian religious art from the Allegheny College Collection

A Brief History of Anjou
A resource for a 2003 ACCEL Study Tour


NWPaHeritage is a free app that puts the history of Northwestern Pennsylvania (Crawford and Venango Counties, and the Oil Heritage Region) at your fingertips.


the end of the world
on the web

Societas Magica Syllabus Project


Last updated 7 Sept 2014